Moose Symposium 2025 Floating Background Image


Monday, June 23 - Check-in and evening social gathering

Monday is travel day for most attendees. The registration will be opened from 4 pm. A buffét will be served between 6-8 pm at the conference location.

Tuesday, June 24 - Oral sessions and Evening Social

Breakfast is served at the hotel. The symposium will be opened at 8 am. Oral presentations take place until 5 pm with a break for lunch at noon. Evening social starts at 7 pm and includes dinner.

Wednesday, June 25 - Oral morning sessions and afternoon field trip

Breakfast is served at the hotel. Oral sessions until late lunch at 1 pm. Between 2pm and 9pm we are on an excursion that ends with dinner at a Sami restaurant.

Thursday, June 26 - Oral sessions, poster presentations and evening banquet

Breakfast is served at the hotel. Oral sessions until 2 pm with break for lunch. Poster presentations between 2-4 pm. The banquet starts at 7 pm and will contain a 'silent auction', a tradition that we lend from overseas.

Friday, June 27 - Travel day and Post-Conference Tour

Breakfast is served at the hotel. The post conference tour needs to be registered separately. Information of the post conference tour is found in the menu.